The Truth About Laser Spine Surgery
Laser spine surgery can be summed up in one word – hoax. There is a perception by the general public that lasers are modern or even futuristic. Dating back to the 1960’s people were obsessed with lasers. Whether it be Auric Goldfinger using it as a hi-tech weapon to try and kill James Bond in 1964 or Val Kilmer designing a prototype for the military in 1985 – the American public has viewed lasers as the penultimate in science and technology. It would only seem natural that if one were to “apply” lasers to medicine, the public would find that application equally as futuristic, regardless of whether that use was real or just more movie special effects. Dr. Theodore H. Mainan, the researcher who first constructed the optical laser in 1960, said it was “the solution in search of a…